Sunday, February 21, 2010

This week

This week has been a bit difficult for me to keep up with my assignments, but I am getting there! I want to try to get a little ahead so I am prepared!

Its a beautiful day out in Yonkers, NY. Its about 50 degrees out and sunny. The snow is melting. Hopefully we will not get hit with another storm this season and glide right into spring. I had enough of this cold weather and snow...

The days fly way too fast!!! I need more time! Hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend!


  1. Yes I know! I don't know where the time goes.
    the end of the school week is here before you know it and I still havent started on my paper. :(

  2. 50 degrees sounds awesome. Not quite that warm where I am (MN), but it's been sunny and the snow is s-l-o-w-l-y melting.

  3. Hello MaryAnn, I hope you are receiving my comments. I just hope that everyone can review mine. I am having difficulty with other being able to post on my blog. Talk to some other time.

  4. Yea, before we know it we have to start NEW school work too! AHHHH! GOod luck on your paper!
