Monday, February 15, 2010


This term is a hard one. Medical Terminology is crazy. I am going to keep it moving though. Have to keep that grade up. Anyone have any advice?

Today work was CRAZY. A lot of stress. Tomorrow will be a better day.

My Nephew Joey is already 6 pounds and 19 and 1/2 inches. He was born on 2/10/10. How crazy, he was 5 pounds when he left the hospital and 18 and 1/2 inches. He is a strong little cutie.


  1. How exciting for you to have a new nephew. Babies do grow so fast. I've had Medical Terminology and it is a lot of work - after a few weeks, I learned to pick what I really needed to spend time on. I looked at the gradebook and checked point totals and realized I wasn't prioritizing my work like I should. You might want to look at that and decide where to spend more (or less) time.

  2. Hi, it's kind of hard to read your page because it is so dark and the words blend into the background. Maybe it's my computer. I'm not sure.
    Medical terminology is like the foreign language of the medical field. It gets easier as you go along after you learn the meaning of the prefixes, word root, and suffixes. I found that taking notes on everything in the yellow boxes (I'm hoping you have the same book as I did) helped a lot and so did the practices. I never opened my flash cards or my CD, but I'm sure they would help you too. It is a lot to master, but it will all come together eventually.
    Take a deep breath when you get stressed or walk away for a little while. Good luck!!!
